[Tochnog-users] Please check new and updated binaries, manuals, tools and source files for Tochnog
2014-01-05 22:35:06 UTC

Dear Tochnogers,

I have spent some time working with Tochnog looking for ways to improve on its capabilities and have made a few corrections to one of the ground flow files to get Tochnog to print the ground flow analysis values properly. Additionally, the contributions made by Roman Putanowicz regarding the post_global.cc file are included.

I have also expanded the tochnog.bas file which is part of the package to use GiD as pre and post processor, and implemented the ability of using GiD to generate tridimensional meshes with 10-node tetrahedras. I have tested it and it works as expected.

I have re-built a Windows version of Tochnog, named Tochnog.exe and have placed it inside a folder that I have named Windows 64-bit binaries-Jan-2014. This time, in order to reduce the number of external libraries needed, I built Tochnog using the Double Precision version of CLAPACK version 3.21. Included are in case they are needed versions of libclapack.a, libblas.a and libf2c.a. Please let me know if other libraries are required, and I will find them and post them.

Both, the Windows and OSX 64-bit versions can use the Bi-Conjugate or the LAPACK solvers, and contain the must up to date sources. If you want to use the faster Lapack solver remember to add the command

“options_solver matrix_lapack” to your input file.

The Linux 64-bit version binary will be added shortly.

I have also included copies of the updated Tochnog manuals, the old Tochnog hands-on manual, and the manual contributions made by David Masin.

Additionally, the most up to date sources and the Tochnog Test problems are also included

Both, the Windows and Linux 64-bit versions can use the Bi-Conjugate or the LAPACK solvers, and were built using the most up to date sources.

Best regards,

Please help update and keep TOCHNOG alive!!!!

Fernando Lorenzo
